Ep 1: X-Wing Trench Fever with Mark Newbold

Ep 1: X-Wing Trench Fever with Mark Newbold

The first episode of the Star Wars at the Movies Podcast is a 40th Anniversary commemoration with a distinctly British sensibility. Following a brief look back at the original film's U.K. debut, Feature Presentation guest Mark Newbold from Jedi News recounts his moviegoing memories growing up in the West Midlands of England. Newbold revisits his March, 1978 first viewing of Star Wars at the former ABC Cinema in Cannock and his endeavors to acquire early merchandise. Plus, some staggering statistics that shed light on the movie's rapid proliferation in cinemas across the United States.     

Ep 2: The Empire Strikes Menlo Park with Shawn Moynihan

Ep 2: The Empire Strikes Menlo Park with Shawn Moynihan

Star Wars at the Movies: Podcast Teaser

Star Wars at the Movies: Podcast Teaser